Alice Guy

Business Finance Writer

Alice Guy is a Suffolk-based business and personal finance writer. She trained with KPMG in London as a Chartered Accountant before working as a business analyst for Tesco Plc. Alice has personal experience surviving on a tight budget when she took time out to care for her young family. She loves to write about business finance, saving and investing—all the money stuff we were never taught at school.

What is a small business loan and how can I get it?

Wondering what type of business loan might be right for you? We explain the different types and what they're good for. Oh, and where to get...

What is a commercial mortgage?

Wondering what a commercial mortage is, how it works and if it's right for you? Read this guide.

What is a working capital loan?

A guide explaining how working capital loans work and where to get one.

What is asset financing? And how can I get it?

A guide explaining how asset financing works and where to get it.

What is invoice financing? And how can I get it?

A guide explaining how invoice financing works, how to get it and who provides it.

Universal credit slashed by £1,040 per year: what should you do?

It’s more bad news for cash-strapped families as the government scraps the £20 per week Universal Credit boost. It will leave poorer...