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Travel Insurance

Domestic and International Holiday Statistics UK

Ever wonder how many trips we take domestically and abroad each year, and how much these trips costs? Here are stats on domestic and...

Business Insurance

The Biggest Share Price Winners and Losers During COVID-19

It's probably fair to say the last 12 months have been unique for everyone. While many companies struggled during tricky economic...

Business Insurance

UK Uber Drivers Receive New Employment Rights and Protections

In a groundbreaking ruling, the Supreme Court has rejected Uber's appeals, meaning all UK drivers must be treated as employees and offered...

Personal Finance

One Year On: The Impact of COVID-19 on Young Adults and Students in the UK

Young adults and higher education students have been uniquely affected by COVID-19. From disrupted education to relationship delays to poor...

Personal Finance

Spike in UK Google searches for "self-defence"

Google search volumes are a great way to see what people care about at the moment. Here's what we've noticed in the wake of the Sarah...

Landlord Insurance

What can a landlord charge for when you move out?

Your landlord can keep money from your deposit if you have caused damage that needs repairing, left the property in a dirtier state than...

Business Insurance

Starting a Handyman Business UK

Getting your handyman business off the ground can be a daunting task. You may be wondering how best to generate work, what you'll need to...

Business Insurance

How to set up as a freelancer UK

Freelancing can be a great way to develop your career while offering freedom and flexibility. However, if you’re starting out or just...

Business Insurance

What Are The Average Dimensions Of A Car In The UK?

When purchasing a new car, it can be difficult to imagine how it compares to other vehicles, including any you may have owned before—...