Pipe Fitters Insurance - What Do You Need?

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The guidance on this site is based on our own analysis and is meant to help you identify options and narrow down your choices. We do not advise or tell you which product to buy; undertake your own due diligence before entering into any agreement. Read our full disclosure here.

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Pipe Fitters Insurance UK

With all the dangerous equipment involved in fitting pipes, Public Liability insurance can be vital to keep you protected if something does go wrong.

With the sharp tools and welding equipment you use regularly during your work, it’s important to make sure you’ve got appropriate insurance so you’re covered if anything does go wrong. This guide to Pipe Fitters insurance will give you everything you need to know about the types of cover available to you, and breakdown how much these are likely to cost.

If you’d like any additional information, fill out a quote form and receive quotes for your pipe fitting business.

Popular Types of Insurance for a Pipe Fitter

Common Types of Pipe Fitters Insurance & What They Cover
1.Public LiabilityCovers if you a member of the general public suffers damages or is injured due to your work
2.Product LiabilityOften coupled with Public Liability, protects you if somebody incurs damages or injury from a product you sold or used
3.Employers' LiabilityInsures against claims by employees that their work caused them injury or illness
4.Personal AccidentFinancial security if you are unable to work due to injury or illness
5.Business Use VehicleVehicle protection for the increased risk of driving for business use (such as extra mileage)
6.ToolsReplaces your equipment if it’s stolen or accidentally damaged/lost

Pipe Fitters Insurance Examples

  • Public Liability: While installing a set of pipes you drop your tools and damage your customer’s floor. They sue you for the cost of the repair.
  • Product Liability: You’ve sold somebody a cutting tool, which fails almost immediately and causes damages to the pipes they were working on. They sue you for the repair cost.
  • Employers’ Liability: One of your employees trips and falls on site, and blames your business for not taking appropriate precaution. They can’t work for 3 weeks, and sue you for their lost salary.
  • Personal Accident: After an unfortunate biking accident on the way to a work site, doctors recommend you take 6 weeks away from work. Your earnings are covered by your Personal Accident coverage.
  • Business Use Vehicle: While driving down an unfamiliar road, you damage your vehicle. Your Comprehensive Business Use coverage pays for the repair.
  • Tools and Equipment: Your tools are stolen from your van overnight. You have coverage for storing them in your van at night, sor Tools cover pays for an equal or equivalent replacement set.

Absolutely. Pipe fitting is a dangerous business, and the cutting/welding torches, pipe threaders and saws you use can cause expensive damages if an accident does happen. Most good pipe fitters wouldn’t risk working without a Public Liability policy, and many clients won’t consider you for projects if you don’t have a policy ahead of time.

If you’ve got any expensive tools, while not mandatory, you should also look into Tools coverage. It’ll pay for a replacement if your tools go missing or are stolen.

Finally, if you hire anybody, the law requires you to hold Employers’ Liability. Similarly, if you use your vehicle to support your business, your insurer will need you to hold a valid Business Use policy. Driving without one risks voiding your coverage all together.

Traditional ways to save money on other insurances are still applicable to your business insurances. Some include:

  • More years in industry
  • Not working in big cities or near high-risk sites (airports, seaports, power stations)
  • No prior claims or criminal convictions
  • Comparing quotes from different providers

No, you shouldn’t do. Make sure to inform your insurer of the work you undertake accurately when you first sign up and they should be able to create a policy that protects you for all the work you do.

What insurances do you need to be a Pipe Fitter?

Pipe fitting is a risky business—Public Liability is generally considered a must-have within the industry, and many clients will insist you have a policy before engaging you. AXA previously reported that their average claim against Public Liability was £13,500, so the cost of not being sufficiently protected can be significant.

You’re legally required to have Employers’ Liability if you hire any staff, even if only for a single day. And if you use your vehicle for business purposes, such as driving to and from client sites, you’ll need a Business Use policy to make sure you’re covered at all times.

Pipe fitters often have expensive equipment, such as torches and welding guns. If replacing these if they’re accidentally damaged or stolen could be a costly exercise for you, then look into getting a Tools policy to cover you if something does go wrong.

And finally, Personal Accident insurances can help protect you if something does go wrong and you’re unable to work as a result, securing your income while you take time away to rest and recover.

How much does Pipe Fitters insurance cost?

A standard £2M Public Liability policy costs roughly £475 per year for a pipe fitter. This is quite a bit more expensive than the average cost of Public Liability insurance in the UK., but this isn’t surprising given the risks pipe fitters are exposed to on a daily basis.

graph showing the average cost electricians insurance in the UK
Average Cost of Pipe Fitters Insurance for a sole trader
£2M Public Liability (PL)£476
£5M PL£773
£2M PL, £2,000 Tools (not left in van overnight)£689
£2M PL, £2,000 Tools (left in van overnight)£749
£2M PL, £5,000 Tools (left in van overnight)£783
£2M PL, Personal Accident£557
£2M PL, Personal Accident, £2,000 Tools (left in van overnight)£831
£2M PL, 1 Employee, £2,000 Tools, Personal Accident£1,561

Where Can I Get Quotes?

Compare pipe fitter insurance quotes here by filling out a short form. You’ll receive quotes from some of the UK’s best pipe fitting insurers, and can choose the policy that best suits your needs at a price that works for you.

More Information on Types of Pipefitters Insurance

Public Liability Insurance

Sometimes referred to as General Liability or Tradesman Liability, Public Liability Insurance protects you if a third party (general public, customer, other business on site) believes you’re at fault for an injury or damages. It’ll pay any legal costs you incur during your defense and any compensation the court awards.

While not a legal requirement, it’s generally considered a must-have as a tradesman, and many businesses will require you to have one before allowing you to bid for larger pieces of work.

Employers Liability Insurance

Employers' Liability Insurance will cover any legal costs and compensation if one of your employees believes you’re at fault for an injury or illness they got while working for you.

It’s a legal requirement if you hire any staff, and the fines for not having an appropriate policy are severe—up to £2,500 per day for every day someone works for you uninsured.

Tools Insurance

Tools and Equipment insurance protects the tools of your trade if they’re stolen or damaged/lost accidentally. While not a legal requirement, many tradesmen like the security a policy offers them, making sure the impact of anything going wrong on their end client is minimised.

Quotes were gathered for a sample pipe fitter in North West London with no prior experience. The three cheapest quotes were used to generate our results, and you may find costs higher or lower dependent on the variables insurers measure risk by.

Luke Masters

Prior to NimbleFins, Luke studied economics at Brunel University and worked at FreshMinds, Investigo and BMW. His work in data analytics, pricing, strategy and business development helped him write business insurance content to support SMEs at NimbleFins. He now works at DataPOWA, a sports & entertainment data analytics company. Read more on LinkedIn.


The guidance on this site is based on our own analysis and is meant to help you identify options and narrow down your choices. We do not advise or tell you which product to buy; undertake your own due diligence before entering into any agreement. Read our full disclosure here.