Erin Yurday


Erin Yurday is the Founder and Editor of NimbleFins. Prior to NimbleFins, she worked as an investment professional and as the finance expert in Stanford University's Graduate School of Business case writing team. Read more on LinkedIn.

How much do you spend on plants for your garden?

While gardens are still looking brown and shabby in March, the days are getting longer, bulbs are poking through the soil and Brits are...

Do I need a credit check for a mobile phone deal?

Do I need a credit check for a mobile phone deal? NimbleFins explains.

What can I do if I’m refused a mobile phone contract?

NimbleFins explains what you can do if you're refused a mobile phone contract.

Which car insurance companies use OEM parts for repairs?

NimbleFins explores which car insurance companies will use OEM parts for covered repairs. See the list now.

What are the pros and cons of buying an electric car?

NimbleFins explains the pros and cons of buying and driving an electric car. Are you ready to switch?

Do all insurance providers cover electric cars?

NimbleFins explores how easy it is to insure an electric car and what you’ll need to consider before taking out a policy.

What's the car tax on an EV?

NimbleFins explains car taxes for electric vehicles.

Average Inheritance (and Inheritance Tax) in the UK

Every wonder what the average amount inherited is? Or how much inheritance tax people pay? NimbleFins breaks down the data by gender, age...

Can I get car finance with bad credit?

NimbleFins explains how to get car finance with bad credit.

Do car insurers check my credit score?

NimbleFins explains why and how car insurers might check your credit score.

NimbleFins Data Library

NimbleFins specialises in data. Data to help consumers and businesses understand risk, safety and finances.

Can you get car insurance with a bad credit score?

NimbleFins explains how to get car insurance with a bad credit score.