Erin Yurday


Erin Yurday is the Founder and Editor of NimbleFins. Prior to NimbleFins, she worked as an investment professional and as the finance expert in Stanford University's Graduate School of Business case writing team. Read more on LinkedIn.

The Inflation Rate is Higher for Lower-Income Households | The Real Impact

NimbleFins investigates how inflation rates are even worse for lower-income households.

The NimbleFins Inflation Guide | Rates, FAQs and Calculator

NimbleFins digs into inflation data for the UK. Learn about inflation rates, see inflation history and see which categories have the...

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What can invalidate your travel insurance?

NimbleFins explains what can invalidate your travel insurance. Make sure you are covered!

What is ATOL and ABTA?

NimbleFins explains the difference between ATOL and ABTA.

What does good travel insurance include?

NimbleFins explains what makes a good travel insurance policy. Make sure you get the right cover.

What travel insurance do I need for pre-existing medical conditions?

NimbleFins explains what to consider regarding travel insurance when you have pre-existing conditions.

Can I buy short term car insurance?

NimbleFins explains when short-term car insurance might be suitable. And when annual policies might be better.

Does a poor credit score affect home insurance?

NimbleFins explains how a poor credit score can affect home insurance.

Do I need specialist HMO insurance?

NimbleFins explains when HMO insurance might be needed for a landlord and what it covers.

How does subsidence affect your home insurance?

NimbleFins explains what subsidence is and how it can affect home insurance in the UK.

10 ways you could be invalidating your home insurance

NimbleFins highlights 10 ways you could be invalidating your home insurance. Check them out!