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UK Startup Statistics: Top Industries and Regions

Less than two in five UK startups make it through their 5th year. We analysed the most recent business demography data from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) to determine how a startup's location and industry might affect its odds of success. Here are the industries and regions of the UK that have posted the best startup growth and survival rates in recent years.

The United Kingdom may be one of the best places in Europe to start a new company, but what are the read odds of success? It depends in part on where you're located and the industry of your new venture.

UK Startup Viability by Industry

The best industries for startups in the UK have a large number of startup births, strong growth in the number of new companies formed and high survival rates. Data across these three metrics from the ONS shows that the top industries for new businesses in the UK include construction, transport & storage and professional, scientific & technical businesses in terms of growth and number of births; but property and finance & insurance businesses have the best 5-year outlooks.

chart showing the top UK industries for startups

Birth Rates by Industry

There were more construction startups born in the UK in 2022 than any other industry: 49,390. Next, there were 47,445 professional, scientific and technical companies formed in 2022, followed by 36,460 new transport and storage (inc. postal) companies.

These numbers may seem large, but the number of UK startups has dropped in recent years. In 2022, 336,925 new companies were formed in the UK, a decrease of 5.6% compared to five years earlier.

The industries with the biggest increase in birth growth were transport and storage (51% increase over five years), wholesale (+16%, excl motor) and real estate (+10%).

Industry2022 Births5-Year Change in Birth
Professional, scientific and technical47,445-25%
Transport and storage (inc. postal)36,46051%
Retail (excl motor)29,420-1%
Accommodation and food services28,5506%
Public admin and defence25,595-12%
Information and communication22,455-25%
Business administration and support services14,375-22%
Real estate11,82510%
Other service activities11,18510%
Wholesale (excl motor)10,76016%
Arts, entertainment and recreation7,9050%
Motor trades7,575-7%
Finance and insurance2,775-38%
Water supply, sewerage, waste management1,0205%
Electricity, gas, steam and air conditioning supply520-31%
Agriculture, forestry and fishing120-23%

Survival Rates by Industry

The most recent 5-year survival rate for UK startups is 39.6%. That means nearly two thirds of all startups fail within 5 years. However, the data shows that survival rates are very different from one industry to the next industry.

For example, in recent years, property-related startups have had the best survival rates in the UK, with 55.9% of new ventures making it through their 5th year. Finance and insurance startups were the next most successful in terms of longevity, with a 49% 5-year survival rate.

chart showing UK startup survival rates by industry
New businesses related to health have had the best survival rates

While transport & storage has seen the largest amount of startup growth (51% more new companies compared to five years ago), this industry has the worst survival rates, with only 24% making it to year 5; the other 76% fail within five years. Business admin and support services have also done poorly, with only 30.6% surviving a full 5 years.

Industry1-Year Survival Rate2-Year Survival Rate3-Year Survival Rate4-Year Survival Rate5-Year Survival Rate
Finance and insurance (Excl 6420)92.1%76.7%65.3%55.6%49.0%
Arts, entertainment, recreation and other services95.6%77.3%63.0%54.5%48.9%
Motor trades94.5%74.9%58.8%50.6%46.3%
Professional, scientific and technical94.9%76.6%61.0%49.8%40.9%
Information and communication95.8%79.2%63.4%50.9%40.1%
Accommodation and food services94.7%73.1%53.8%43.5%38.2%
Business administration and support services92.3%62.9%45.8%36.3%30.6%
Transport and storage (inc. postal)91.2%64.5%42.5%29.7%24.0%

How UK Regions Compare

The region with the best 5-year survival rate for new startups is now Northern Ireland! The best region was previously the South West, which now ranks 2nd. Interestingly, Northern Ireland has the worst 1-year survival rate (91.2%)—but companies that make it past that first year have the best odds of getting through 5 years without failing.

chart showing 5-year survival rates for startups in each region of the United Kingdom

Those starting a new company in the North West have the worst odds of success, with only 31.6% of startups making it through the 5th year intact.

Regions Ranked by 5-Year Survival Rates1 Year2 Years3 Years4 Years5 Years
1Northern Ireland91.2%75.0%62.3%54.6%49.0%
2South West91.4%74.8%60.4%51.3%45.0%
3South East94.4%76.9%61.4%51.2%43.9%
4Yorkshire and The Humber93.4%74.5%59.0%49.9%43.5%
5East Midlands94.2%73.5%57.0%47.7%41.3%
7North East93.7%74.0%55.2%45.5%39.5%
11West Midlands94.4%64.7%48.7%40.7%35.2%
12North West93.6%66.6%48.1%36.9%31.6%
Erin Yurday

Erin Yurday is the Founder and Editor of NimbleFins. Prior to NimbleFins, she worked as an investment professional and as the finance expert in Stanford University's Graduate School of Business case writing team. Read more on LinkedIn.


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