Karl Talbot

Personal Finance Expert

Karl is a personal finance expert who specialises in writing about savings accounts, credit cards and cheap personal loans. Karl has worked for a number of personal finance publications including The Motley Fool and MoneySavingExpert.

Savings rates are rising and this is the reason why

After years of dire returns, interest rates on savings accounts are nudging upwards. So, why are savings rates on the rise? And will rates...

Got savings? Here's why FSCS savings safety protection is important

If you've savings, did you know that you can safely save up to £85,000 with a guarantee you won't lose your money in the event your...

Are notice savings accounts worth it?

You can boost the interest rate on your cash if you deposit funds into a notice savings account. But are notice accounts worth bothering...

What are the pros and cons of opening a fixed savings account?

If you've savings you may wish to consider locking away cash to boost your interest rate. NimbleFins explains the pros and cons of fixed...