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Motor Insurance

Average Cost of Petrol for a Car 2024

With fuel prices up again, motorists are on track to spend well over £1,000 on petrol or diesel per car this year. See how much gas a...

Bike Insurance

How to Choose a Motorcycle

There's probably not much in life as exciting as purchasing your first (or second...) motorcycle. Whether you're in the market for a small...

RV insurance

How much can you earn renting out your caravan?

So you'd like to rent out your caravan to make extra money—how much can you really earn? Find out how much you can charge each week, the...

Personal Finance

Ten simple ways to reduce your monthly expenses

With so many demands on our time and our wallets, it’s difficult to keep track of it all. We can easily slip into bad habits where we lose...

Travel Insurance

5 activities to get kids away from the screens this half term

Kids are spending an increasing amount of time on screens, which is bad for their health. Here are 5 activities your children can enjoy...

RV insurance

10 essentials you'll need for a caravan holiday

Thinking of taking a caravan holiday? If so, here are 10 essentials you'll need to make your trip a success.

Pet Insurance

3 ways owning a pet can help reduce stress

Whether you feel stress from work, from trying to manage your finances or even from digital burnout, animals can be a great source of...

RV insurance

How to rent a touring caravan and what to look out for

Renting a touring caravan offers a wealth of benefits, not least because you can explore lots of destinations without committing to buying...

RV insurance

Will my car tow a caravan?

Depending on the size or power of the vehicle that you drive you may be wondering if your car, truck, or SUV can physically tow a caravan....