Erin Yurday


Erin Yurday is the Founder and Editor of NimbleFins. Prior to NimbleFins, she worked as an investment professional and as the finance expert in Stanford University's Graduate School of Business case writing team. Read more on LinkedIn.

Which Premier League Football Fans Work the Most (and Least) to Afford a Home Match Day Ticket?

It’s no surprise that Premier League tickets vary widely in price, from team to team. In London, you’ll pay a hefty £57, on average, for...

Safest Places in the East Midlands

The East Midlands is home to over 4.5 million people living in Derbyshire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Rutland and...

No-Deal Brexit Tariffs for Households

Potential tariffs on a basket of everyday household items purchased from the EU, if a free trade Brexit deal is not reached

5 Money-Saving Tips for Using a Credit Card Abroad: What to do Before You Travel

Do these 5 things before you go abroad to make sure your credit card works overseas and you don't pay unnecessary fees.

Credit Score Concerns? Which Credit Cards Offer an Eligibility Check

A list of credit cards that offer a "soft" eligibility check so you can avoid unnecessary hard credit checks. Learn why you should avoid...

The Tories Want Shale Gas. Could Energy Bills be 35% Lower?

Fracking – a topic controversial enough to trigger protests in the streets and arguments around the dinner table. So why have the Tories...

Countries Where A Starbucks Latte Is The Most And Least Decadent

Most coffee drinkers in the U.K. have a sense of how pricey, or not, Starbucks seems. At an average price of £2.25, a small (or “tall” in...

Is Growth in 0% Purchase Cards Good or Bad for Consumers?

Are 0 interest purchase cards helpful or harmful?

The Real Affordability of Premier League Team Tickets

It’s no surprise that Premier League tickets vary widely in price, from team to team. In London, you’ll pay a hefty £57, on average, for...

Why Robo Advising is Taking Off in the UK

This is how robo advising is opening up professional investment management to the average investor

How to Budget for a Cheap (and Cheerful!) Wedding

Top tips to save money on your wedding dress, venue, rings, honeymoon and food & entertainment.

Average Cost of a Wedding in the UK 2023

Find out what the average couple spends on a wedding, as well as price ranges for big items like the dress, venue, rings, photos, honeymoon...