The guidance on this site is based on our own analysis and is meant to help you identify options and narrow down your choices. We do not advise or tell you which product to buy; undertake your own due diligence before entering into any agreement. Read our full disclosure here.

Average Cost of Bulldog Insurance 2025

Compare Bulldog Pet Insurance Quotes

Find out much it will cost to insure your Bulldog today. Dog insurance from £3.38 a month.*

{"applyCallToAction":"Get Quotes","defaultSelectedItem":"pet","description":"Find out much it will cost to insure your Bulldog today. Dog insurance from \u00a33.38 a month.*","formType":"Insurance","onCurrent":true,"options":[{"label":"Car Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/car-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"car"},{"label":"Home Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/home-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"home"},{"label":"Motorbike Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/bike-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"motorbike"},{"label":"Pet Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/pet-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"pet"},{"label":"Travel Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/travel-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"travel"}],"title":"Compare Bulldog Pet Insurance Quotes"}

Bulldog pet insurance costs start from a low of around £25 to £35 a month (£300 to £420 a year) for a puppy, but older Bulldogs cost a lot more to insure. Prices are a bit different for French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs, however. How much will you need to budget to help cover vet bills?


How Much is French Bulldog Insurance?

Dog insurance for a French Bulldog starts from around £20 per month for lifetime cover with at least £2,000 of annually-renewing vet fee cover.

Lifetime cover provides financial protection for recurring or chronic problems that frequently affect bulldogs (e.g., respiratory, skin and eye conditions).

Max benefit policies also provide long term cover over many years for recurring or chronic problems, but only until you used up the vet fee limit for each condition.

Therefore, lifetime cover can be better suited. (That said, for plans with the same £ limit, max benefit could potentially offer better coverage in a year where your dog is affected by multiple conditions. For example, if they're affected by three separate conditions all costing £1,000 to treat, a lifetime policy with £2,000 of annual protection would not cover your £3,000 of vet fee bills that year, but a £2,000 max benefit plan would.)

Cost of French Bulldog Insurance (one-year-old dog)Cheap Monthly CostGet Quotes
Max Benefit per Condition£26Get Quotes
Lifetime£20Get Quotes

Interestingly, in our study the prices for Maximum Benefit per Condition policies were even higher than Lifetime premiums.

Lifetime is technically the better coverage option since the vet fee limit renews each year. Because of this, Lifetime plans certainly seem like the better value option when compared to Max Benefit/Per Condition plans.

Compare Bulldog Pet Insurance Quotes

Find out much it will cost to insure your Bulldog today. Dog insurance from £3.38 a month.*

{"applyCallToAction":"Get Quotes","defaultSelectedItem":"pet","description":"Find out much it will cost to insure your Bulldog today. Dog insurance from \u00a33.38 a month.*","formType":"Insurance","onCurrent":true,"options":[{"label":"Car Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/car-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"car"},{"label":"Home Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/home-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"home"},{"label":"Motorbike Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/bike-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"motorbike"},{"label":"Pet Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/pet-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"pet"},{"label":"Travel Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/travel-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"travel"}],"title":"Compare Bulldog Pet Insurance Quotes"}
Chart showing the average cost of French Bulldog insurance

Poll: French Bulldog Pet Insurance Costs

Let's see what our readers pay in real life to insure their Frenchies. If you have been paying for French Bulldog insurance or if you've received a quote, let us know how much it is per month so we can find out what real pet owners actually pay.

How Much is English Bulldog Insurance?

Dog insurance for English Bulldogs starts from around £28 a month for a Lifetime policy with at least £2,000 of vet cover for a one-year-old dog.

But the average premium you'd need to pay for cheap pet insurance from the time your Bulldog is a young puppy through to 7 years of age will be closer to £40 per month, assuming your pet remains healthy throughout. This is because pet insurance prices increase with age.

Max Benefit plans would typically be a touch cheaper for most breeds - but that cover is less robust as it doesn't renew each year and oddly you can find lifetime cover for cheaper for an English Bulldog.

As Bulldogs are prone to recurring health conditions, Lifetime cover is widely considered to be the best type of pet insurance for a Bulldog.

Cost of English Bulldog Insurance (one-year-old dog)Cheap Monthly CostGet Quotes
Max Benefit per Condition£31Get Quotes
Lifetime£28Get Quotes

You used to be able to find a range of 12 month, time-limited policies for around 33% less than Lifetime cover, but this type of policy won't afford long-term protection for a Bulldog's recurring hereditary health problems like respiratory disease, cherry eye, infections in skin folds, urinary tract stones, etc.

Lifetime cover, while expensive, can help cover anticipated vet bills to treat the chronic and recurring health conditions that bulldogs are known for.

Interestingly, it is now harder to find any time-limited cover for a bulldog - probably because this type of cover is less suitable for the breed.

Chart showing the average cost of English Bulldog insurance

Poll: English Bulldog Pet Insurance Costs

Let's see what our readers pay in real life. If you have been paying for English Bulldog insurance or if you've received a quote, let us know how much it is per month so we can see what real pet owners actually pay.

Bulldog Insurance Costs for Older Pets

Generally speaking, the cost of Bulldog insurance increases every year as your dog ages—the exception to this rule is that prices can drop from new puppy to one year of age.

But from there, dog insurance prices tend to rise each year—even if you don't claim. In fact, by the time your Bulldog is 5 years of age the insurance premium could be 50% higher compared to the premium you paid when your dog was young; by 7 years old you could easily pay two times as much.

Monthly Cost of Lifetime Pet Insurance for Bulldogs by AgeFrench BulldogEnglish BulldogGet Quotes
Puppy£25£35Get Quotes
1 year£20£28Get Quotes
3 years£30£30Get Quotes
5 years£35£44Get Quotes
7 years£44£64Get Quotes
Average£31£40Get Quotes
Chart showing the average cost of Bulldog insurance by age
As with all dog insurance, the cost of Bulldog insurance generally rises each year.

How to Save Money on Bulldog Insurance

If you want to save money on Bulldog insurance, there are a few options to consider to help you find a suitable plan with a lower premium. Read more about what's important to look for in pet insurance for Bulldogs in our article, Bulldog Insurance: 4 Top Tips to Ensure the Right Cover.

Use a Comparison Site

Pet insurance rates vary widely, with the most expensive plans costing multiples of the cheapest plans. For that reason, it's a good idea to compare prices before committing to know if you're getting a good deal or not and to check the market to see what's a reasonable premium to pay for your dog.

To help save money and find a plan that fits in your budget, you can compare prices by checking NimbleFins' pet insurance comparison in order to get quick access to prices from a wide array of pet insurers.

Consider Different Types of Insurance

Some people consider a different type of pet insurance to lower their premium, but this isn't always effective.

A 12 Month Time Limited plan typically costs the least - about 10% to 30% less than Lifetime cover for French and English Bulldogs, respectively.

However a time limited plan only helps with vet bills for 12 months, which is insufficient for the recurring types of conditions suffered by Bulldogs that can come and go for years.

Saving money on premiums now may mean you pay more in vet fees later if you choose a time limited plan.

Additionally, pet insurance plans that include dental illness will typically cost more. (Dental illness includes treatment of conditions such as gum disease and tooth extractions related to periodontitis.)

Choose a Higher Excess

Companies like ManyPets let you easily select from a few different excess options to see how the premium changes. A higher premium typically means a lower premium, but if the difference is only a few quid a month, the savings might not be worth it.

How Much Cover do You Really Need?

Opt for a lower vet limit to reduce your premium if necessary to fit in your budget, because having a lower vet limit is better than having no insurance at all.

For example, all else equal, a plan with £3,000 of cover would cost a lot less than a plan with £10,000 of cover, and £3,000 of cover will still be a big help if vet bills arise.

Most pet owners will not need a plan with a very high vet limit, and given the high cost of Bulldog insurance, these plans can therefore be uneconomical.

While a lower limit means you have fewer funds at your disposal, at least you have some level of protection should the need arise. Ultimately this is a personal decision, however.


Bulldog pet insurance starts from around £25 to £35 a year for at least £2k of Lifetime cover for a puppy, but insurance costs rise as your pet ages and can nearly double by the time your pet turns 7, even if they have remained healthy throughout.
Some people choose to self insure since French Bulldogs are so expensive to insure, but keep in mind that insurance premiums for French Bulldogs are high for a reason—French Bulldogs frequently end up at the vet for treatment of hereditary health issues. Insurance or self-pay vet bills are just another cost of owning a pet.
Yes, French Bulldogs are one of the most expensive breeds of dog to insure; French Bulldog insurance costs around 2X as much as the average cost of dog insurance.
In our tests, we found that Now Pet Insurance, PetProtect, Purely Pets, Animal Friends, EveryPaw, Argos and PDSA offered some of the best value policies in terms of the highest vet fee limits for the lowest premiums. Try out the NimbleFins' pet insurance comparison to see how prices compare for your dog.

Final note: many pet insurance companies will increase premiums if you claim. Given the higher odds of making a claim for a Bulldog compared to many other breeds, this is something to keep in mind. The prices in this article assume a pet has been healthy; premiums could be a lot higher if you claim. To learn more about how claims can affect premiums, see our company by company comparison here.

Compare Cheap Pet Insurance Quotes

Find out how much it will cost to insure your Bulldog today.

{"applyCallToAction":"Get Quotes","defaultSelectedItem":"pet","description":"Find out how much it will cost to insure your Bulldog today.","formType":"Insurance","onCurrent":true,"options":[{"label":"Car Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/car-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"car"},{"label":"Home Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/home-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"home"},{"label":"Motorbike Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/bike-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"motorbike"},{"label":"Pet Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/pet-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"pet"},{"label":"Travel Insurance","url":"https:\/\/\/travel-insurance?id=76f4ecd6e1ca7c2f442633593566fdaa","value":"travel"}],"title":"Compare Cheap Pet Insurance Quotes"}


In order to determine the average cost of pet insurance for French Bulldogs and English Bulldogs, we gathered dozens of sample quotes from nearly two dozen pet insurers. We took the average of the 5 cheapest quotes for Lifetime and Max Benefit policies for dogs of various ages. We considered plans with at least £2,000 of vet cover. These prices represent our sample dogs, but your prices may be quite different. Factors such as where you live can even impact your dog insurance premiums.

The set of insurers used for this study consisted of:

Many of these companies are included in the list of best pet insurance companies. If you're just now thinking of buying a puppy, see our article about the Average Cost of Bulldog Puppies to get an idea of how much you'll spend to buy one.


The guidance on this site is based on our own analysis and is meant to help you identify options and narrow down your choices. We do not advise or tell you which product to buy; undertake your own due diligence before entering into any agreement. Read our full disclosure here.