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Number of Homeowners and Renters in the UK

Ever wonder how many people rent in the UK, how many people hold a mortgage and how many own their homes outright? We have the answers.

How Many UK Households Rent vs. Own?

According to NimbleFins analysis of data from the 2023 English Housing Survey, just over one third of households rent their home (35%); another third owns their home outright (35%); and just under a third owns their home with a mortgage (29%) in the UK.

How many people rent vs. own their home in the UK?NumberPercentage
Number of Mortgage Holders7,196,14029%
Number of Renters8,601,02535%
Number Owning House Outright8,610,76835%
Total Households24,407,932100%
Graph comparing the number of renters, mortgage holders and outright homeowners in the UK

By Age Group

Of course, the statistics change by age group. Households of young people aged 16 to 24 predominately rent privately—74% in fact. By the 35-to-44 year old age group, owning via a mortgage is the most common type of residency (50% of households). And by age 55, it's owning outright (46% of households).

Graph comparing the number of renters, mortgage holders and outright homeowners in the UK

Number of Renters UK

Of the 8.6 million households renting in the UK, just over half rent privately (4.6 million). The other 4 million are social renters (local authority and housing association). On average, rental costs are 2X higher for private renters than social renters.

Number of Renters UKNumberPercentage
Local authority renters1,531,46118%
Housing association renters2,474,83129%
Private Renters4,594,73253%
Graph comparing the number of renters, mortgage holders and outright homeowners in the UK

Number of Mortgages UK

There are over 15 million households in the UK owning their own home—8.6 million of which own their home outright and 7.2 million of which hold a mortgage on their property. Those figures indicate that 54% of households owning a home own it outright and 46% via a mortgage.

Number of Homeowners UKNumberPercentage
Own outright8,610,76854%
Bought with a mortgage7,196,14046%
Graph comparing the number of renters, mortgage holders and outright homeowners in the UK

These figures reflect the household residing in a property, not the owner. Therefore, a mortgaged property that is rented out to tenants would count under the rental figures (for the tenant residing in the property) not the mortgaged property figures (for the landlord who owns the property).
