The guidance on this site is based on our own analysis and is meant to help you identify options and narrow down your choices. We do not advise or tell you which product to buy; undertake your own due diligence before entering into any agreement. Read our full disclosure here.

Halifax Purchases Credit Card: Up to 30 Months 0% APR

Note: The Halifax Purchases Offer is currently unavailable to new applications. This review is kept up for historical purposes.

Halifax Credit Card's Purchases Offer charges no interest on purchases for up to 30 months. Purchase credit cards can be useful for spreading the cost of an upcoming purchase over time. Some applicants to the Halifax card (e.g., those with weaker credit histories) may receive a shorter, 9-month promotional period. If you want certainty in the length of the promotional period when you apply, you may prefer another purchases credit card as there are others (e.g., Virgin Money) that offer a fixed, guaranteed duration to all successful applicants.

Halifax Purchases Card Features

  • 0% on purchases for 9 or 30 months
  • 0% on balance transfers for 6 months
  • Ongoing interest rates of 18.9%, or 27.9%
  • 3% balance transfer fee


  • 0% interest on purchases for up to 30 months
  • Eligibility Checker


  • Some applicants will only get 9 months of 0% purchases

Halifax Purchases Credit Card Review

The Halifax Credit Card offers a promotional period of 30 months of 0% interest on purchases, for at least 51% of applicants. Not everyone will receive this deal—the 0% period may be shorter and/or the ongoing interest rate may be higher. The rest of the 49% of successful applicants may get 0% on purchases for 9 months and a rate of 27.9% APR (variable).

Like always, stay within the credit limit and pay at least the monthly minimum payment on time ("Stay and Pay") to keep the promotional 0% APR. Miss a payment or exceed the credit limit and the 0% intro rate will revert to your purchase APR, and you'll incur interest charges until your balance is paid off. The table below shows total interest due on a £1,000 purchase, assuming £50 monthly payments, across the variety of possible APRs with this card. Stay and pay to keep your 0% promotional rate and avoid these potential interest charges.

Potential Total Interest Charges on £1,000 Balance

Interest RateTotal Interest ChargesMonths to Pay Off
0% (promotional rate)-20
chart showing interest charges as function of APR for Halifax Purchase card
The Importance of Keeping Intro 0% APR - Interest Charges by Interest Rate

You can find out the likelihood you'll be accepted before you apply, using Halifax's Eligibility Checker. This check performs a soft credit search that will not leave a mark on your credit file for other lenders to see. (You, however, will see this soft search when you check your own credit report.) Pre-application eligibility checks like this are a great service for consumers, because they help you avoid applying for a card for which you'll be rejected. Those loyal to Halifax can take out the purchases card as a second credit card, subject to conditions discussed below.

While balance transfers are possible on this card, the 3% transfer fee is quite higher than average relative to other offers on the market.

Bottom Line: The Halifax Credit Card Purchases Offer potentially provides 30 months of 0% interest on purchases, but some applicants with weaker credit histories may only get a 9-month promotional period. Use the Eligibility Checker to see your odds of being accepted.

What if I Already have a Halifax Card?

Halifax permits you to take out a second credit card with the banking group, such as a different type of credit card that serves different needs. For instance, a user can have one card to manage large upcoming purchases and another to use on holiday spending abroad without incurring foreign transaction fees. You can apply for a second Halifax Credit Card, as long as you satisfy the following conditions:

  • Your existing card with Lloyds Banking Group is not a Student Card
  • You apply more than 60 days after your first Halifax credit card was opened
  • You can have a maximum of 2 Halifax credit cards
  • You can have a maximum of 5 cards with Lloyds Banking Group (including Bank of Scotland and Lloyds Bank)
  • Your application is subject to a full credit and affordability check


The guidance on this site is based on our own analysis and is meant to help you identify options and narrow down your choices. We do not advise or tell you which product to buy; undertake your own due diligence before entering into any agreement. Read our full disclosure here.